Organization Profile

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Organization: CEFS Economic Opportunity Corp. Fayette Cnty
517 W. Gallatin
Vandalia, IL 62471
Main: 618-283-2631
Fax: 618-283-2715
Hours of Operation:  Mon: 08:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Tue: 08:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Wed: 08:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Thur: 08:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Fri: 08:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Amy Moore (Primary Contact)
Fayette County Outreach Coordinator, HUD Certified Housing Counselor
Main: 1-618-283-2631 Ext. 404

Service: Social Service Programs

"C.E.F.S. is a not for profit Community Action Agency serving the Illinois counties of Christian, Clay, Effingham, Fayette, Montgomery, Moultrie, and Shelby."   "C.E.F.S. develops, implements, and evaluates social services programs to assist economically and socially disadvantaged people in their quest for greater self-sufficiency. We offer programs as diverse as the needs of the people in the communities we serve."

    Services/Connections include:
  • (affiliated with) the Head Start Program for pre-school aged children
  • (affiliated with) Meals on Wheels for senior citizens
  • food pantry: Thursday 1pm to 4pm, Friday 9am to noon. You can come once every 30 days, no charge.
  • Call dispatch at 1-855-755-CIPT (2478) for a ride with CIPT Transportation.
  • get connected with WIOA - get help finding jobs and paying for college
  • emergency services (food, shelter, utilities)
  • utility assistance
  • Housing Programs - (Rapid Rehousing, Deposit Assistance, Rental Assistance, temporary shelter when funds are available)
  • and more - check the website and call the main number
    • Counties Served include Clay, Effingham, Fayette, Shelby, Christian, Montgomery, and Moultrie.


      Main office: 1805 S. Banker St., P.O. Box 928, Effingham, IL 62401   phone: (217) 342-2193   fax: 217-347-5730



    • discounted license plates for seniors
    • help with taxes
    • counseling and budgeting help
    • for CEFS type services for bond county residents, see the BCMW

      Eligiblity: based on income
      Insurance: no insurance needed


Data Updated 8/02/2022  OAP

Categories:Children - Education
Educational/Vocational - College
Educational/Vocational - WIA
Food - Food Pantry
Food - Meals
Housing/Shelters - Utilities Assistance
Transportation - Public
Volunteer/Service - Service Orgs