Organization Profile
Organization: | Churches in West Bond County West of Hwy 127 Various, IL 62088 |
Hours of Operation: | |
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Services: | Service: West Bond County Churches Sorento Assembly of God Sorento, IL 62088 Sorento First Baptist Church P O Box 206 Sorento, IL 62088 618-520-7179 Sorento Presbyterian Church Sorento, IL 62088 Reno Baptist Church Reno Presbyterian Church Mt Gilead Cumb Presby Church 1077 Mt Gilead Rd Greenville, IL 62246 Mt Moriah Baptist Church Mt. Nebo Primitive Baptist Ch 582 Mt. Nebo Av. Old Ripley Church of Christ Smith Grove Baptist Church 949 Airport Av Greenville, IL 62246 618-664-4177 Wisetown Baptist Church 173 Wisetown Rd Greenville, IL 62246 618-664-3744 Campground Cumb Presby Ch 1497 Hookdale Rd Greenville, IL 62246 Charges: Eligiblity: Insurance: |
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Data Updated 07/15/19 AVB | |
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